
LC ユニブーツ プラス イージープル コネクタ
The ACON OPTICS LC Uniboot Plus Easy-Pull Connector sets a new standard in fiber optic connectivity. With its innovative easy push-pull design and enhanced boot structure, it simplifies cable management in high-density networks. Designed for modern data centers, it delivers unmatched convenience, adaptability, and performance.

LC 12 ポート アダプタ
LC Adapters are manufactured with PEI material. Non-welded design enhances the structure durability and decreases probability of breakdown. Telcordia GR-326, IEC, RoHS2, REACH, UL94V-0 standard compliance also gives reliability.

SC プルイング アイ コネクタ
ACON OPTICS SC Pulling Eye Connector offers a simple and flexible solution for FTTx deployment. It is easy to deploy and has a maximum tensile strength of 100N.

10G 100m Copper SFP Transceiver
The AOPT-SFP-8011x-RJ45 Copper SFP transceiver features simple application in data center for managers to leverage their installed base of switches and servers equipped with SPF+ empty cages, delivering 10G data rate over Cat6a up to 100m.

USB 3/2/1 Extender Over Fiber
The AOPT-U321AC/AA-300(S)-2LC extender provides the ability to extend the distance of your USB 3/2/1 device up to 300m over Multi-mode or Single-mode fiber. The Device unit also supports USB Type-C devices using a conversion cable.

36心 & 32心 MT フェルール, SM
Introducing ACON OPTICS’ new design 36F and 32F singlemode MT ferrules supporting 400G/800G data connectivity. ACON OPTICS' MT Ferrule, made by high precision molding technology, offers excellent performance for a variety of applications and operating environments.

MT-MPO プロ アダプター
ACON OPTICS (AOPT) is featuring a revolutionary MT- MPO PRO Adapter which has the flexible flap design making ease of connecting and disconnecting MT ferrules. It is the best solution for BTW and high density applications.

LC 極性 切り替え可能 ユニブーツ コネクタ
ACON OPTICS new LC Polarity Switchable Connector is simple and easy to use without having to remove the housing and exposing fiber. Maximize space constraints with our uniboot design.

マイクロ LC スナップイン コネクタ
ACON OPTICS Micro LC Connector uses a simple snap-in connector design which makes ease of connecting and disconnecting. Its bootless design maximizes space constraint ideal for behind the wall application and high density solution.

SC 押圧可能 コネクタ
A simple and costs effective optical fiber assembly deployment that is easy to use without compromising the optical fiber integrity or reliability.

LC プレミアム コネクタ
ACON OPTICS Communications (AOPT) is featuring a revolutionary LC Premium Connector that allows precise of ferrule for Grade A patchcord, and Machine free tuning.

LC 8 ポート アダプタ
LC 8 port Adapter minimizes the panel space with its side by side design. This enables more ports to be on the same panel and reaches higher density.

MPO コネクタ
ACON OPTICS offers a full range of MPO connectors and solutions to meet diverse demands across various applications and operating environments. Our MPO connectors feature an advanced design, guaranteeing proven reliability, high precision, and remarkable performance to seamlessly support next-generation data rates.

TAPsカセット パッシブ ネットワーク
ACON OPTICS Traffic Analysis Point (TAP) cassette is a 100% passive device. No power is required with 100% real time network monitoring.
詳しい内容へ- 2024-12-05
- 第 45 回台北国際オーディオ展示会に出展し、音楽の祭典へぜひお越しください。
- 第45回台北国際オーディオ展示会
会期:2024/12/12(木)~12/15(日) 10:00~18:00
- 2024-09-24
- 光通信部品大手企業のACON OPTICSは、シリコンフォトニクスCPO技術の開発に積極的に取り組み、国際的に有名なクライアント数社と連携してトータルソリューションを提供
- 近年、ACON OPTICS(証券コード:6820、台湾。以下 当社)は、特に高密度かつ多芯ファイバー部品においてデータセンター製品の開発に注力し、業界でリードしています。当社は台湾国内でいち早く光ファイバーMTコネクタシリーズの製造に取り組んだ企業であり、世界で初めて超薄型36芯MTフェルールの量産に成功しました。新製品の研究開発能力はお客様から高い評価を得ています。
当社は高精度高品質の光ファイバーを基づく製品の生産を知られています。ISO 9001/ 14001/27001/45001の認証を取得しており、より高い品質を確保されています。